Rainbow of NatuRe: InDonesia's Beautiful plaCe That U must Visitt... BUNAKEN!!!

InDonesia's Beautiful plaCe That U must Visitt... BUNAKEN!!!

Bunaken Beach!!

      Bunaken National Park can reached from Manado Seaport  Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) in Kecamatan Molas and Marina Blue Banter.
      From Manado seaport, you can reach Siladen Island with a boat about 20 minutes, Bunaken Island about 30 minutes, Montehage Island about 50 minutes and Nain Island about 60 minutes. 
      From Blue Banter Marina, you can reach the tourist area in Bunaken Beach by a yacht about 10 - 15 minutes.
      While from NDC Seaport, you can reach the location of diving in Bunaken Beach by a speedboat about 20 minutes

Wow... it's so awesome...
Hey ya friend..
Let's Go!!
"if have a lot of money" ^^